In a significant moment of partnership and gathering, reflecting the spirit of the word Dabucury, the Ecumenical Coordination of Service (Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço: CESE) and the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (Coordenação...
Before the fire: memories of a Pantanal in the midst of the fires
Remember the small crops of pumpkin, watermelon, cassava, rice, sugar cane and peanuts? When you move away at flood time, to let the water wash the land, coming in and out of the bays. Catching lunch on the spot. These are Leonida Aires de Souza's memories. Returning...
Turning Ideas into Action: Political Advocacy Course
In the current climate of social, environmental and political challenges, strengthening political advocacy is essential to enable organizations and movements to confront the inequalities and injustices they face. With this in mind, the Political Advocacy Course:...
Deni/Kanamari women at the 3rd Indigenous Women’s March
With support from the Ecumenical Coordination of Service’s (CESE) Small Projects Programme, the Aspodex Association (Association of the Deni People of the Xeruã River), led by Pha Avi Hava Deni, of the Deni people, took part in the 3rd Indigenous Women's March in...
PAD on the UN’s international agenda
In September, a Brazilian delegation, made up of representatives from the Process of International Networking and Dialogue - PAD, the Coalition for Monitoring Human Rights in Brazil, the National Human Rights Movement - MNDH and SOS Corpo, took part in a meeting in...
Mobilization demands justice for MST activist murdered by ex-husband in Goiás
“Dona Neura was a historic defender of the Cerrado and of agrarian reform, with a deep passion for forests and plants,” recalls Amélia Franz, a settler in the municipality of Palmeiras de Goiás, about her comrade in arms, who was brutally murdered by her ex-husband,...
Public Note | Fires in the territories!
The Agro is Fire Coalition (Articulação Agro é Fogo) publicly denounces the systematic and orchestrated incidents of criminal fires around Brazil, which have had major a impact on the population, fauna and flora of Brazil's various biomes. The fires have left huge...
In order to review the Master Plan for Fortaleza (Ceará) and strengthen its institutional organization, the Front for the Housing Struggle (Frente de Luta por Moradia: FLM) received funding from CESE, through its Small Projects Programme. The Master Plan is an urban...
Pastor Helivete, present!
It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of our dear friend, Pastor Helivete Ribeiro. A fighter, a feminist pastor, she held the positions of both CESE’s Vice-President (2018-2021) and President (2021-2022). We will always remember her for her sensitivity,...
Mobilizing Support: training for women’s organizations in the Northeast
“At this very moment, our leaders are being persecuted because of religious fundamentalism legitimized by certain public authorities. This course is extremely important for the grassroots movement, because it provides us with the arguments needed to go into battle,...