Thousands of organizations repudiate Bolsonaro’s talk

Around 3 thousands non-governmental organizations, collectives and national and international social movements repudiate the candidate Jair Bolsonaro’s  affirmation that he, if elected, is going to “put a final point to all activisms in Brazil”. The pronouncement was...

Public note on defense of democracy

Dear Gospel walkers and those who dare to strive to build a just, egalitarian society and, according to ancient traditions, in a land far from evil. The Ecumenical Center for Biblical Studies (CEBI), through this note, publicly declares its position in our political...

Public statement of Pastoral Commission of Land (CPT)

The Board and National Executive Coordination of the Pastoral Commission for Land (CPT), in public statement, manifest that, in the Brazilian actual context, “Nobody can avoid taking a stand. To omit oneself in a situation like this one, is giving support to...

Letter of Alliance of Baptists of Brazil in support to democracy

 and they shall beat their swords into plowshares…   (Isaiah 2.4) In a great part of occidental world, Democracy experiences one of her deepest representation crisis. In Brazil, the option for authoritarian and adventurous alternatives is growing even more. The...