Turning Ideas into Action: Political Advocacy Course

In the current climate of social, environmental and political challenges, strengthening political advocacy is essential to enable organizations and movements to confront the inequalities and injustices they face. With this in mind, the Political Advocacy Course: Strengthening Urban Groups was held between November 25 and 29. Over five days, participants experienced intense moments, sharing experiences, collective learning and building strategies to overcome the challenges they face.

The movements in attendance work on diverse issues, such as the right to housing and the city, the defense of territories, decarceration, socio-environmental justice, river protection, agroecology, food sovereignty, education, combating religious intolerance, and race and gender issues. Representatives from organizations such as Abayomi, the Collective of Black Women in Paraíba (Abayomi Coletiva de Mulheres Negras na Paraíba), the São Jorge Filho da Goméia Association (São Jorge Filho da Goméia Associação), the Tururu Force Collective (Força Tururu Coletivo), the Grassroots Women’s Forum (Forum Popular de Mulheres), the Front for the Right for Decent Housing (Frente de Luta por Moradia Digna), Set Them Free (Liberta Elas), the Movement of Workers for Rights (Movimento de Trabalhadoras e Trabalhadores por Direitos), Pacová – Coalition of Cooperation from the Countryside to the City (Pacová, Articulação de Cooperação do Campo à Cidade), the Sergipana Agroecology Network (Rede Sergipana de Agroecologia: ReSeA) and We are All Muribeca (Somos Todos Muribeca) shared experiences and built new strategies for their struggles.