Violence against black territories is theme of seminar with social movements and communities in Salvador

In response to the escalating violence affecting black and impoverished communities in the capital and interior of Bahia, social movements, organizations, and representatives of grassroots territories gathered on 8 June at the ‘Seminar on Training Against Violence in Black and Grassroots Territories in Rural and Urban Areas’ in order to expand discussions on this topic.

Organized by the Centre for Studies and Social Action (CEAS), the Ecumenical Coordination for Service (CESE), the Association of Rural Workers’ Lawyers (AATR), the Pastoral Land Commission (CPT), and the Archdiocesan Social Action (ASA), the event, held at the CEAS offices in Federação, was part of a series of initiatives aimed at denouncing violence in the state and empowering the most vulnerable social groups affected by this issue.”