17th Spring for Life Campaign discusses the damage from mining activities

With spring arriving, CESE is renewing its ecumenical commitment as a service to churches supporting the struggle for rights in Brazil. Its annual “Spring for Life” campaign will be launched on 16th September and this year we are promoting discussion on the mining model in Brazil and how it produces social and environmental injustices.

The unlimited expansion of the extraction and consumption of ores, as well as exceeding environmental limits, directly affects the way of life of traditional populations, violates their rights and generates territorial conflicts. Based on this, CESE intends to discuss the theme with society and think about alternatives counter to the perverse logic of capital, to benefit local populations and reduce inequalities.

Local and national churches, national partner organizations, people from the friends’ network and representatives of supported projects will participate at the launch, which takes place at the Museum of Art of Bahia (MA) car park (Av. Sete de Setembro, 2340 – Vitória, Salvador) on 16th September.

The day will start at 11.00 am with a mystical opening. The traditional spring feijoada (bean and meat stew) will be served at mid-day (at the cost of R$ 25), accompanied by live music. The event will include a raffle with prizes and the sale of drinks, desserts and snacks.

All of the income obtained from this activity will be used to assist projects supported by CESE. Campaign invitations are available at CESE (Rua da Graça, 150). Further information can be obtained by calling: (71) 2104-5457.

Campaign History
Held since 2000, the Spring for Life Campaign aims to raise funds for CESE’s activities around the country (empowering grassroots groups in their struggle for rights by supporting projects) and strengthening and expanding coordination with church bases.

CESE was founded by churches with support from international ecumenical cooperation, which took on the commitment to human rights and strengthening social movements. The resources from this cooperation have been in decline in recent years, which affects implementing CESE’s proposals, especially continuing to support small projects.
For Sônia Mota, CESE’s executive director, the campaign is an opportunity to raise awareness with churchgoers and also to raise funds for the organization: “As churches, we are called to raise funds to ensure the continuity of this work and the spring campaign is an ideal opportunity to sow solidarity.”

WHAT: Spring for Life Campaign
WHEN: 13/09/2017, starting at 11.00 am
WHERE: MUSEUM OF ART OF BAHIA (MAB) – Av. Sete de Setembro, 2340 – Vitória, Salvador
COST: R$ 25 (feijoada) – Invites available at CESE’s offices – RUA DA GRAÇA 150 – GRAÇA – (71) 2104.5457