ABONG: Let the Brazilian people decide their future: Direct Elections Now!

The institutional crisis, which began a year ago with the deposition of a legitimately elected president, has not yet come to an end. Democratic rules have been broken to maintain the privileges of large companies purchased at the cost of a great many public resources, in collusion with the elite from the Brazilian political class, composed of the PMDB, PSDB and PP. Unfortunately, some parliamentarians from parties on the left have also taken part in the dirty game of being paid to defend the interests of large and powerful economic agents.

The accusations made by JBS, the world’s largest meat product company, threaten the very foundations of the 2016 coup and suspend the strategies of the Moro-Globo-STF scheme.

These new facts, added to the success of the General Strike of 28 April, the convincing clarifications in the statement made by ex-President Lula in Curitiba and the Brazilian people’s growing adherence to the movement against the labour and social security reforms, suggest that it is possible to open a new agenda in the democratic and grass-roots arena, resuming the offensive for an outcome on the left, against the institutional crisis created by the coup.

The most urgent measures are the immediate removal of the coup makers from the Executive Authorities and the opening up of a process of transition to culminate in direct elections in 2017 in order to choose new occupants for the Planalto Palace. In the same way, we call for the immediate removal of the reform agendas, which must be suspended until democratic rites are re-established and popular power through direct and secret ballot is resumed.

Finally, there is a need to process reform of the political system by adopting the measures proposed by the Civil Society Platform for Reform of the Political System, which includes a series of measures aimed at strengthening democracy, including control of the media monopoly, public oversight of the judicial authorities and the adoption of instruments for participatory and direct democracy.

These measures will only be possible with grass-roots mobilization on the streets, in schools, in factories, universities, on football fields, in temples, worship houses and churches. ABONG has always believed in the Brazilian people’s desire to once more take up the reins of its destiny, which is why it has always counted on grass-roots organization and mobilization. For this reason, it is engaged in the process for the construction of Brazil’s Popular Front and the Front for People Without Fear, constructed by the grass-roots, in housing centres, places of work and in the social sectors, under the banner of the struggles. Only when organized by the grass-roots will we be able to resist and reorganize a democratic and popular plan for Brazil.

This is the most democratic exit because it is the only way we can guarantee no fewer rights.

Let the Brazilian people decide their future!
Direct Elections Now!!!
Brazilian Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (Associação Brasileira de Organizações Não-Governamentais: ABONG) – Organizations in Defence of Rights and Common Goods