Gamela indigenous people suffers barbaric attac

The International Process of Articulation and Dialog (PAD) expresses outrage over the brutal attack against the Gamela people in their territory, in the village of Bahias, municipality of Viana, MA, Brazil. More than ten indigenous people were cruelly assaulted last Sunday (30) and one of them is reported to have had his hands butchered, according to the Missionary Indigenous Council (CIMI).

The violent spurt occurred when the indigenous decided to leave a reclaimed traditional area, predicting the imminent violence. They were then ambushed by dozens of gunmen armed with knives and pistols as they left their territory. Tired of the violent invasion, the indigenous people had strengthened their struggle and decided to conquer their sacred territory back.

The Pastoral Commission of the Land from the state of Maranhão (CPT-MA) reported that “the violent and criminal action from this Sunday was planned and articulated by local farmers and gunmen, who used the WhatsApp app to call people for the attack”.

“Adeli Ribeiro Gamela was shot in the rib and spine, and his wrists and knees were severely cut. José Ribeiro Gamela, his brother, was shot in the chest”, says the Land Pastoral in a press release in which they also reported that a third victim was taken to the hospital for being shot in the head, face and shoulder. In total, ten Gamela indigenous people were violently assaulted.

According to CPT Maranhão, there is a high incidence of violence against traditional peoples and communities in the state. There are 360 ongoing conflicts in the state now, which have resulted in 196 registered episode of violence against the rural people. Thirteen people have been murdered and 72 are threatened with death.

PAD urges federal authorities for a thorough, unrestricted investigation about this crime against indigenous peoples and the immediate use of the Federal Police to ensure the Gamela people rights and protect their lives.


We urge all Civil Society organizations to denounce the case to the highest national and international instances in defense of victims and the Gamela people, as well as the protection and guarantee of rights for all Brazilian Indigenous People in Brazil. No more violence!

Source: PAD – Articulação e Diálogo Internacional