CESE finishes Assembly with letter of reflection about the current situation

Complying with its practice of annually presenting reports and discussing the organization’s guidelines and perspectives, CESE’s General Assembly ended this Friday (10) with a letter of reflection about the current situation and the commitment of the churches and ecumenical organisations to populist struggles and democratic freedoms. Present at the meeting were representatives of organizations such as the Ecumenical Centre for Development Support (Centro Ecumênico de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento: CEADe), Caritas Brazil, Koinonia, Odara, IDEAS and the Association of Gamboa de Baixo and the following Churches: the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil (Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil: IEAB) the United Presbyterian Church of Brazil (Igreja Presbiteriana Unida do Brasil: IPU), the Alliance of Baptists of Brazil (Aliança de Batistas do Brasil: ABB), the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church (Igreja Católica Apostólica Romana: ICAR), the Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil (Igreja Evangélica de Confissão Luterana do Brasil: IECLB) and the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil (Igreja Presbiteriana Independente do Brasil: IPIB).

Letter from the CESE Assembly
09 and 10 June 2016

“That is why, it is today that we have hope; that we fight fearlessly; that we look to the future of oppressed people” (Bishop Federico Pagura)

United at the CESE Assembly, we, individuals from the different churches that make up this ecumenical organization, declare our commitment to hope.

The diaconal vocation and the ethical indignation that blows through our hearts from the Spirit reveals our views about the violent advance against democratic institutions in Brazil. This has disastrous consequences for the State as the guarantor of rights for the populations affected by inequality and the propagation of hate amongst people.

The life of the black population, of women, of traditional peoples and communities, amongst many others, is threatened, as is equality between religions. Our views and arms follow our most profound desire to go forwards embracing our brothers and sisters, particularly children and young people, for whom we hope a Spring for Life will blossom.

As Christian peoples, we declare our repudiation of those who have used the Bible to justify the retraction of the rights of our 1988 Constitution.

“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40) is what we proclaim will be the resurrection for each and every one, born out of solidarity and the defence of the common good, humbly recognizing our link with the inhabited world and every child represented on “Mother Earth”, our Common Home.

CESE will be present in the ecclesial communities, in the corners and on the streets, for democracy and for human rights in their entirety, in every small project supported, in each training session held, in each networking and advocacy activity. CESE reasserts that the stubbornness of love, which is divine, will follow as a light along our path.

Defeat foreshadow victory and the prophecy of a new time must encourage each and every one to remain mobilized. We move forward in unity. WE WILL NOT GIVE UP.

Salvador, 10 June 2016