In favour of a secular State: #NotInGod’sName campaign

Published on 25th April, 2016


Members of the Ecumenical Forum in Brazil (Fórum Ecumênico Brasil) decided to launch a campaign in defence of democracy and the secular State on 20th April. The initiative is in repudiation of the use of God’s name, repeated by deputies – from a wide range of political parties from the north to the south of the country – to justify their “yes” votes for the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff, which is a clear attack on the secularity which Congress should have.

Thus: following a critical look at this episode, where there was a literal use of God’s name and that of the Bible to justify actions within Parliament, which was the admissibility or otherwise of deposing a president, the idea is to mobilize people of different religious denominations to reaffirm the need for the State to remain secular, in fact and in law, so that religious beliefs (whatever they may be) are not the reason for a politician’s vote.

The name of the campaign is #NotinGod’sName (#NãoEmNomeDeDeus) and defends that every candidate has the duty to represent society as a whole and not only the religious group to which he belongs.


Using social networks. Therefore, if you agree with the motto of this initiative, just send a photo to the CESE communication team ( and we will post it on the organization’s page ( If you prefer, post your photo on social networks with the hashtag #NãoEmNomeDeDeus and let’s make sure that this gets into the trending topics of social media all over Brazil.