Data from the National Survey on Violence against Women (2023), produced by the DataSenado Research Institute (Instituto de Pesquisa DataSenado) in partnership with the Observatory of Women against Violence (Observatório da Mulher contra a Violência), shows that insufficient income is a risk factor in making women, especially black women, vulnerable to domestic and family violence. According to the survey, among black women who do not have enough income to support themselves, 32% reported having suffered domestic or family violence – the equivalent of one in three.
Given this situation, the Coordination of CPTs (Articulação das CPTs: Comissoes Pastorais da Terra) in the Cerrado, which brings together communities from nine states around the country, ran the project “Women in the fight against racism and hunger: organizing and sowing resistance,” with support from CESE. Through training workshops, the initiative sought to discuss issues such as racism, the patriarchy, and access to public policies for generating income and producing healthy food.
“We realized that the struggle to strengthen women’s income is a path to liberation. Those who don’t have an income become submissive and suffer domestic violence over almost their entire lives,” said Lucimone de Oliveira, representing the organization. “Most of them need to have a source of income so they can have a voice and a say in their own homes,” she added.