The project Juntas Somos Mais Fortes (Together We Are Stronger), submitted by indigenous women of the Xakriabá people, has received support from CESE, in partnership with the European Union, through the Small Projects Programme. The Xakriabá Aldeia Riacho do Buritis and Surroundings Indigenous Association (AIXARBA) works to develop eight Xakriabá indigenous communities, and was established on August 27, 2005, in the municipality of São João das Missões – MG on Xakriabá Indigenous Land.
Juntas Somos Mais Fortes aims to promote greater participation and visibility for indigenous women in society; to improve their quality of life and expand Xakriabá women’s income sources through workshops to produce handicrafts, the creation of an information booklet about these products and talks on strengthening women’s rights.