Connecting knowledge and networks: young indigenous adults participate in communications workshops in Brasilia

On 20 and 21 April, a training meeting brought together 25 young people from the Young Indigenous Communicators Network of the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (Coordenação das Organizações Indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira: COIAB) to focus on communications that originate in the territories and provide visibility to indigenous narratives.  The event took place at the São Boaventura Institute in Brasilia (Federal District) and was part of the project: “Dabucury: Sharing experiences and strengthening the ethno-environmental management of indigenous land in the Amazon”, run by CESE in partnership with COIAB and with support from the Amazon Fund/BNDES.

The programme included discussions about Covering Events, with Kaianaku Kamaiurá, Coordinator of COIAB’s Young Indigenous Communicators Network; Self-georeferencing, with COIAB’s Territorial Monitoring Manager, Ruan Guajajara; and a circle conversation about Communications and Territorial Management, and Individual Micro-entrepreneur (Microempreendedor Individual: MEI) regularization for communications professionals, with Clayton Jiahui, from the Jiahui Indigenous People’s Association (Associação do Povo Indígena Jiahui: APIJ).

The “Dabucury” project is aimed at supporting the implementation of the National Policy for the Territorial and Environmental Management of Indigenous Lands (Política Nacional de Gestão Territorial e Ambiental de Terras Indígenas: PNGATI) to promote greater access to funding for indigenous organizations so they can carry out their projects. The training is therefore aimed at helping young communicators to use communications as a visibility strategy for indigenous initiatives, and for their concepts of management and territorial protection.

About the Dabucury Project

The call for applications for the “Dabucury: Sharing experiences and strengthening the ethno-environmental management of indigenous land in the Amazon” project was launched during the 20th Free Land Camp in Brasilia, to promote indigenous initiatives that strengthen environmental and territorial management activities in Indigenous Lands in the Amazon. 

Thirty projects will receive funding, focused on two main strands: the implementation of activities in the Territorial and Environmental Management Plan (Plano de Gestão Territorial e Ambiental: PGTA) and activities to draft, conclude or apply environmental and territorial management tools.  Applications will be open from 02 May to 30 June 2024 and can be accessed at: