Fostering communication networks and sharing knowledge were the main points in a cycle of online workshops involving approximately 35 indigenous people, from different peoples in the Legal Amazon, over three online meetings that took place between 27 March and 4 April. The themes included Producing Texts, Social Media Communications and Design.
This cycle of workshops is part of the project “Dabucury: Territorial and Environmental Management in the Indigenous Amazon”, a CESE and COIAB initiative supported by the Amazon Fund/BNDES, aimed at supporting projects for Indigenous Organizations from the Indigenous Amazon and focused on implementing the National Policy for the Territorial and Environmental Management of Indigenous Lands (Política Nacional de Gestão Territorial e Ambiental de Terras Indígenas: PNGATI). One element is Strategic Communications, aimed at strengthening COIAB’s Network of Young Communicators – which is currently composed of 80 young people selected by their grassroots organizations.
The training sessions significantly improved communications techniques and supported grassroots indigenous organizations. At the end of the online phase, 25 participants will move to the in-person stage in Brasilia, on the eve of the 20th edition of the Free Land Camp, to further expand their skills and networks of contacts.