On World Environment Day, Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil and CESE launch a special podcast “Living Territory: the fight against climate change in the Cerrado”

On 5 June, World Environment Day, the newspaper Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil (in Portuguese) launched a special series “Living Territory: the fight against climate change in the Cerrado”, in a partnership between the Guilhotina podcast and the Ecumenical Coordination of Service (Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço: CESE). The special series will explore how to tackle climate change from the perspective of the territorial rights of traditional peoples and communities of the Cerrado.

Over four fortnightly episodes the series will look at the experiences of the traditional peoples and communities in the Cerrado – with a particular focus on MATOPIBA – showing how their ways of life, their socio-biodiversity, their relationship with the countryside, the waters and the forests are essential for tackling the climate crisis.  The podcast will also look at the importance of ensuring that these people remain in their territories.

The first episode of the series will include the experiences of female babassu coconut breakers from Piauí, starting with a report from Helena Gomes da Silva, Coordinator of the Interstate Movement of Babassu Coconut Breakers (Movimento Interestadual da Quebradeiras de Coco Babaçu: MIQCB), as well as from the evergreen flower pickers from Minas Gerais, through the words of Maria de Fátima Alves, or Tatinha, from the Commission for the Defence of the Rights of Extractivist Communities (Comissão em Defesa dos Direitos das Comunidades Extrativistas: CODECEX).

The Living Territory special intends to break from the routines of the hegemonic press, which only covers traditional peoples and communities at times of tragedy.  The series will look at these communities’ confrontations for their rights against agribusiness, water-business, mining, ranchers and other large-scale enterprises, but the principal aim is to value their ways of life.  To denounce by announcing.

The partnership between CESE and Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil isyet another activity to commemorate the 50th anniversary of CESE’s foundation.  Follow the release of this special series, which demonstrates that the possibilities for the future come from the Earth and are ancestral!

Listen to the first episode on the best podcast players or on the Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil website. (in Portuguese)