Ecumenical vigil leads to the historical center of Salvador a manifesto against the social security system reform

Songs, protests against the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution – PEC 006/19 and manifestations of faith marked the Vigil against the Social Security Reform, held on Tuesday night (14) in the Historic Center of Salvador. As a result of the articulation between ASA – Archdiocesan Social Action, Brazilian Caritas Nordeste II, CESE, CEBIC –Ecumenical Council of Christian Churches of Bahia and CPT (Pastoral Land Commission – Bahia), the act intended to draw attention to the possible end of the social security as we have now and the increase of inequalities between rich and poor with the “New Social Security” proposed by the government of Jair Bolsonaro (PSL).

The Social Security Reform brings as main points changes in the retirement age, increased contribution time and the creation of a new capitalization regime. This proposal completely disregards gender inequalities, geographical differences, and people who are in and out of the labor market. The free space of the Municipal Square, the central point of the demonstration, received dozens of peoples with songs, prayers, torches and posters with phrases like “#EuNãoAceitoEssaReformaDaPrevidência” (#I Do not Accept This Social Security Reform), “Only if it is to extend Social Justice”, “Enough! No to the dismantling of the rights “and “Greatest social dismount in history”.

What was seen in this Vigil was various manifestations of faith that, with their specificities, symbols and beliefs, have met to reflect and claim rights. “For us, people of faith and struggle, to participate in these moments is extremely important. We exercise our prophetic right to denounce the assault on the rights of workers and we declare our commitment to those who live directly the consequences of the inequality in the country. “, said Sonia Mota, executive director of the CESE.

Afterwards the luminous procession went towards the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary of the Blacks, a Catholic congregation where syncretism reigns with the African Brazilians religions. In front of the church, at Pelourinho square, people who will be affected by the reform gave their testimonies and a personalized cross against PEC 006/19, was erected by those present, as a symbol of the suffering and tribulations that afflict the Brazilian people.


National Campaign – National Vigil against Social Security Reform

The action is part of a national campaign launched on May 6 by Caritas, CONIC and CESE, stimulating large concentrations in many cities of the country so that churches, communities of faith, unions, workers’ associations, teachers, activists in general organize actions and take to the streets to say NO to one more governmental incongruity.