“For Ethics in Politics” – Official Note from the CNBB

On the morning of 19 May, the members of the Presidency of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil: CNBB) issued an Official Note entitled “For Ethics in Politics” in which it confirmed that the Conference is “united with the bishops and with communities around the country” and is following “with amazement and indignation” the serious denunciations of political corruption received by Brazil’s Supreme Court.

In the Note, the bishops assert that “these denunciations demand rigorous investigation, in line with constitutional guarantees. Having ascertained the facts, the authors of illicit acts must be held responsible for their actions. The vigilance and political participation of our communities, our social movements and society as a whole can contribute a great deal to the elucidation of these facts and the defence of ethics, of justice, and of the common good”.

“Furthermore, it is necessary for the pathways out of this current crisis to respect and strengthen the democratic rule of law. We ask our communities to participate responsibly and peacefully in political life, to contribute to the fulfilment of justice and peace and to pray for Brazil”, the Presidency members concluded.

Read the Note:
Brasilia, DF, 19 May 2017
P – No. 0291/17

For Ethics in Politics
Note from the CNBB about the National Situation

“The harvest of justice is sown in peace” (James 3:18)

The National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil: CNBB) through its Presidency, united with the bishops and with communities around the country, is following, with amazement and indignation, the serious denunciations of political corruption received by the Supreme Court. According to Article 37 of the Constitution, every civil servant, particularly those in high offices, must maintain integrity of conduct, under penalty of removal from the post they occupy.

These denunciations demand rigorous investigation, in line with constitutional guarantees. Having ascertained the facts, the authors of illicit acts must be held responsible for their actions. The vigilance and political participation of our communities, our social movements and society as a whole can contribute a great deal to the elucidation of these facts and the defence of ethics, of justice, and of the common good

Overcoming the serious crisis that Brazil is currently experiencing requires a return to ethics in politics, which plays a fundamental role in democratic society. It urges a new mode of political operation, founded on the values of honesty and social justice. We recall the assertion made by the CNBB General Assembly: “Contempt for ethics leads to a promiscuous relationship between public and private interests, the primary reason for corruption scandals.”

We also recall the words of Pope Francis: “In public life, in politics, if there is no ethics, an ethics of reference, everything is possible and everything can be done” (Rome, May 2013). Furthermore, it is necessary for the pathways out of this current crisis to respect and strengthen the democratic rule of law.

We ask our communities to participate responsibly and peacefully in political life, to contribute to the fulfilment of justice and peace and to pray for Brazil.

Our Lady of Aparecida, the patron saint of Brazil, help us to walk with hope as we construct a new society.

Cardinal Sergio da Rocha
Archbishop of Brasília
President of the CNBB

Don Murilo S. Ramos Krieger
Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia
Vice-President of the CNBB

Don Leonardo Ulrich Steiner
Auxiliary Bishop of Brasília
Secretary General of the CNBB