Religions for democracy say Direct Elections Now

Religions for democracy say Direct Elections Now Silence, neutrality and a lack of reflection are not options for people who have faith, particularly when the lives of the underprivileged are threatened. The severity of what Brazil is currently experiencing demands...


We, the indigenous peoples and organizations of Brazil, more than four thousand leaders from all the regions of the country, at this time of the XIV Free Land Encampment, held in Brasilia/DF from 24 to 28 April, 2017, in the face of the attacks and measures adopted by...

Four thousand gather in Brasilia for the Free Land Encampment

Marches, cultural activities, a plenary attended by representatives from social, urban and rural movements to unify rights, and round table discussions about the international coalition for the struggles of indigenous peoples, all featured in the programme of the 2017...

Gamela indigenous people suffers barbaric attac

The International Process of Articulation and Dialog (PAD) expresses outrage over the brutal attack against the Gamela people in their territory, in the village of Bahias, municipality of Viana, MA, Brazil. More than ten indigenous people were cruelly assaulted last...