Public debate packs with social movements from around Brazil

The full auditorium of the Bahia Museum of Art (Museu de Arte da Bahia: MAB), a result of mobilization for the public debate “Democracy and rights under attack – a view from the social movements”, expressed the social movements’ collective agreement in the search for...

Violence in the Bahian and Brazilian rural areas is alarming

Statement from Social Organizations and Grassroots Movements in Bahia and Brazil The Pastoral Land Commission (Comissão Pastoral da Terra: CPT) of Bahia, the Association of Lawyers for Rural Workers in the State of Bahia and representatives from the 34 Social...

CESE publishes Institutional Policy for Gender Equity

CESE’s Institutional Policy for Gender Equity has been drafted due to a need for a document that records its concepts and practices in relation to gender. The document is related to CESE’s institutional guidelines, such as its identity and mission, in particular its...

The 2017 Fraternity Campaign

With the theme “Brazilian biomasses and the defence of life” the 2017 Fraternity Campaign (Campanha da Fraternidade: CF) was launched on 1 March in Brasilia by the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil: CNBB). The activity...