
CESE organizes training for worship house compliance in the Amazon

CESE organizes training for worship house compliance in the Amazon

Between June and July, CESE held four training meetings for the institutional strengthening of worship houses based on their formal compliance. The sessions were targeted at the states of the Brazilian Amazon. The meetings took place following a mapping exercise to...

The role of Xakriabá women in the fight for cultural preservation

The role of Xakriabá women in the fight for cultural preservation

The project Juntas Somos Mais Fortes (Together We Are Stronger), submitted by indigenous women of the Xakriabá people, has received support from CESE, in partnership with the European Union, through the Small Projects Programme. The Xakriabá Aldeia Riacho do Buritis...

CESE joins Comuá Network

CESE joins Comuá Network

The Comuá Network is an arena that links thematic funds, community foundations, and independent grant-making organizations that mobilize resources from diverse sources to support groups, collectives, movements, and civil society organizations working in the fields of...