In a significant moment of partnership and gathering, reflecting the spirit of the word Dabucury, the Ecumenical Coordination of Service (Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço: CESE) and the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (Coordenação das Organizações Indígenas da Amazônia: COIAB) ran the Dabucury Project Development and Management Workshop, between November 25 and 29, with support from the Amazon Fund/National Bank for Economic and Social Development (Fundo Amazônia: FAM/Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social: BNDES).
The workshop aimed to support and prepare the organizations selected in both the Jenipapo and Urucum categories to bolster their projects. To this end, representatives from the organizations came together in the city of Manaus, where they received information and had the opportunity to ask questions about the project.
Representatives from the Jenipapo category constituted the first group to take part in the workshop. They came together to discuss a wide range of workshop topics, focused on drawing up, updating and completing the Environmental and Territorial Management Instruments for Indigenous Lands (Instrumentos de Gestão Ambiental e Territorial Indígenas: IGATIs). Among the topics covered were: project design and management, administration and accounting, contractual rules, what is permitted and restricted in the use of resources, acceptable formats for receipts, contracting modalities, communication and the main challenges to project management. This same theme was explored later with the group from the Urucum category, which is dedicated to action aimed at implementing the Territorial and Environmental Management Plans (Planos de Gestão Indígena das Terras Indígenas: PGTAs) for Indigenous Lands.