An encounter between faith and climate at the launch of the 24th Spring for Life Campaign

One of the biggest contradictions of the climate crisis is that those who are most affected by it are also those who least contribute to it. Quilombos, indigenous lands and other territories where traditional peoples live are the best preserved on the planet. The disaster that is increasingly affecting humanity does not arise from their productive lands, but from the destruction wreaked by big business.

But perhaps the greatest contradiction of all is the destruction of our Common Home carried out “in the name of God”, its creator. For many people, faith, spirituality and a connection with the divine are the great pillars of resistance. On the one hand, they help different peoples to survive, produce and connect with their ancestors. On the other, they are misrepresented and turned into empty discourses by those who only seek individual profit.

Amid contradictions, outbursts and a great deal of resistance, the night of the launch of the 24th Spring for Life Campaign brought together religious leaders, social movements and leaders from various territories. Supported by Comuá Network, Brot für die Welt, HEKS-EPER and Misereor, the event took place on Tuesday 24 September at CESE’s offices, under the theme “Faith and Climate: Paths of Care for the Common Home”, inspired by the verse “Creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth” Romans 8:22.