The ninth episode of the series “On the Trail of the Struggles: Grassroots movements paving the way for democracy and rights in Brazil” includes a conversation with Ana Célia da Silva, Doctor in Education, writer, poet, and activist from the Unified Black Movement (Movimento Negro Unificado: MNU), and Mônica Oliveira, an educator, communicator and activist from the Black Coalition for Rights (Coalizão Negra por Direitos: CND) and the Black Women’s Network of Pernambuco (Rede de Mulheres Negras de Pernambuco: RMNP).
“On the Trail of the Struggles: Grassroots Movements Paving the Way for Democracy and Rights in Brazil” is produced in partnership between the Brasil de Fato news outlet and the Ecumenical Coordination for Service (Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço: CESE), with support from the Change the Game Academy.