Julho das Pretas (“The Black Women’s July”) is the joint and propositional agenda of organizations and black women’s movements from the State of Bahia, the Northeastern Region and other states of Brazil, aimed at the strengthening of black women’s organizations. “Julho das Pretas” was created in 2013 by Odara – The Black Women’s Institute – and it celebrates the date of July 25th, namely, The International Afro-Latin American, Afro-Caribbean and Diaspora Women’s Day.
In five years, the work of Odara Institute at “Julho” has raised important and necessary topics related to overcoming gender and race inequalities, placing the black women’s political agenda and schedule in the spotlight. This year, at the 6th Edition of the event, the proponent organizations reassert their strategies of resistance in the fight against racism, sexism, LGBTphobia and all forms of oppression that affect the life and the existence of black women. The 2018 Edition is highlighted by the 130 years of the false Abolition of Slavery and the 30 years of the First National Meeting of Black Women.
CESE has been a partner in this initiative since its 1st Edition. In order to demonstrate their commitment to women’s autonomy and confrontation with racism and gender inequalities as conditions for the democratic advancement in Brazil, they supported over 30 projects, benefiting 17,447 people, involving more than 6,000 young people at #JulhodasPretas.