MROSC’s Bahia Management Point is launched in the presence of representatives from civil society

Verses of protest against racism and social inequality from the Onça Poetry Group opened the launch of the Bahia Management Point of the Regulatory Framework for Civil Society Organizations (Marco Regulatório das Organizações da Sociedade Civil: MROSC) on Thursday 25 May in the auditorium of the Bahia Faculty of Medicine in Pelourinho.

The Management Point is an instrument for the dissemination of information and will also provide training activities for civil servants, public policy council members and Civil Society members regarding the MROSC. The aim is to establish more transparent and democratic partnerships between the State, civil society and the universities, focused on effective results for the population.

Eliana Rolemberg, a member of the MROSC Bahia Platform (its Collegiate Board and the Proext Coordination Department) stressed the importance for the Management Point’s work of holding the launch at the university. “Through its Business School, the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) has opened its doors and embraced the project, which creates a good possibility for progress in discussions that involve this tripartite – civil society, the State and the universities”.

During the event, we were reminded of the importance of the 2014 Law 13019, which instituted general rules for partnerships between public administration and civil society organizations, in mutual cooperation for the pursuit of aims of public and reciprocal interest. The law is only one of MROSC’s achievements, which fights for the strengthening and sustainability of civil society organizations.

One of the Management Point’s activities is the training of knowledge multipliers, the holding of itinerant panels in the inland regions of Bahia to provide more information about MROSC, as well as meetings and free courses. The Point’s first activity is a Seminar, to be held in Salvador between 25 and 27 May, “Constructing New Paradigms between the State, the Universities and Civil Society” aimed at training MROSC knowledge multipliers.

The event’s round table included the secretary of Serin, Josias Gomes; Eliana Rolemberg, member of the MROSC Bahia Platform; Horácio Nelson Filho, Director of UFBA’s Business School; Edmundo Kroger, MROSC Bahia Platform; and Elisabeth Matos, lecturer at UFBA’s Business School and Proext Coordinator. The event was also attended by representatives from a range of civil society organizations.

Conference with Daniel Rech

The lawyer Daniel Rech, a conference speaker invited to the launch, provided some reflections about the importance of joining forces at this time of the loss of rights. “We need to join forces with the social movements and civil society in order to guarantee that the minimum democracy exists in this country, to recover the instruments of popular participation and construct a more fraternal and supportive environment.”

Daniel also reminded the audience of the difficulty of regulating Law 13019, from 2014. “Unfortunately, in many states, the Law is not yet an effective reality for civil society organizations. In some cases, clauses are incorporated into calls for proposals which do not correspond to the legislation. The Management Point will be very important for organizations to inform themselves and demand their rights”.

The Management Point will operate out of UFBA’s Business School at Avenida Reitor Miguel Calmon, s/n – Vale do Canela, Salvador-BA. Contact details: 55-71 3283-7368 –