Note repudiation to the massacre of Guarani-Kaiwoá of Mato Grosso do Sul

The organizations, churches and agencies members of PAD and ACT Brazil Ecumenical Forum – FEACT-Brazil (which in last October have promoted the Ecumenical Mission in Solidarity to Guarani-Kaiwoá), manifest again their support to the indigenous people of Mato Grosso do Sul state, since it was killed one more indigenous leadership and more five indigenous were seriously injured by bullet.

The attack to the Guarani-Kaiowá people happened on last Tuesday (June, 14). More than 70 farmers and gunmen have invaded the Guarani-Kaiwoá community, TeyiJusu tekohá (expression that means the sacred land were live indigenous people), in Caarapó city, in Mato do Grosso do Sul state, and fired the indigenous´belongings.

The indigenous leadership Cloudione Rodrigues Souza was killed with a shot to the head, shot by gunmen on their arrival. The attacks of the landowners were a reaction to the resumption of land indigenous made. Tired and hopeless of receiveing news or resolutions, on the last Sunday (June 12), a indigenous group occupied the lands of Ivu farm – which have been already demarcated by the Federal Government as a Guarani Kaiowá´s land.

PAD and FEACT – Brazil repudiate vehemently these paramilitary actions, that with the connivance of the government, culminated in another indigenous leadership killed in Brazilian lands and five wounded indigenous life-threatening. We require immediate providences against this new attack made by the landwoners. A massacre of Guarani Kaiwoá people is in course in the Mato Grosso do Sul State. It is urgent the intervention of the Justice Ministry in the defense of life and the guarantee of the rights of the native people of the state, including the investigation of the facts and the punishment of the killers of the indigenous leadership.

We call upon all of the organizations and movements to join themselves for the defense of the fundamental rights of the indigenous people, specially the right to their lands, guaranteed of the Brazilian constitution and by international treaties to which Brazil is a signatory.

Brazil, June 14, 2016